Today we celebrated the silly part of Easter. We woke up early and found that the Easter bunny left the family Easter baskets filled with Lettuce, Chocolate, and chocolate chicks. Yes we did lettuce, I just am tired of the grass and thought I would do something else fun. Jakob got a good laugh out of it.
Then we went to the traditional town Easter egg hunt. A sweet lady in our town plans it, stuffs eggs, (hundreds of them) and the places them, and runs the hunt. We don't know what would happen if she ever tired of it. Jakob got lots of candy but no prizes this time.
It was lots of fun...then life kicked in. Caleb has another ear fun. Makes him very fussy, needed, and has a hard time sleeping. This makes Mamma, fun. She is actually good, but it saps her energy and all our fun plans kind of go down the tubes. Then I had to do some homework today, help my mother learn some math for her schooling, do laundry...
Basically, life wasn't as fun after the celebrating...
On another note. I don't remember if I mentioned we got our first 3 baby chicks yesterday. We have 1 black astolorp and 2 buff orpingtons. Later, in 1 1/2 weeks, we will be getting 2 Easter Egg chicks, 2 golden laced Wyndottes, 2 silkie banties (we are hoping), 1 partridge Cochin, 1 red star, and 2 top hats. Weee! Its my new hobby. We initially wanted just 4 or 5. But then slowly we added a few here and there. The 3 we just got were mainly because I was chick crazy and didn't want to wait long for our chicks to get here in the mail. They are really cute.
Well its late and tomorrow is Easter. This is and should be a much more sacred day. We will have church were I am doing an Easter Singing time for my primary and as a family we will read more about Easter. We did good last night and read some scriptures on it.
Just to make you think...
What an awesome blessing it is that we will all be resurrected. Not only this that we have that knowledge. How has that knowledge change your life? Do you act or feel differently with this sure knowledge of the gospel? Do you think we forget sometimes how truly blessed we are? Thank goodness, the Lord knows us and our weaknesses but even with all those weakness He still sent his Son to atone for us and expects us to return honorable to him.
Basketball. A Growing Lesson For All
9 hours ago
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